Hotel Escorts in Munich

Ask any man if he's ever gone out with (or in) an escort, and the response you'll get will be like asking your goldfish if it needs a bike: a blank look and

Complete silence. Of course, guys will eventually deny it or casually change the topic.

Only now a very outspoken individual who thinks most of the men hadn't called an escort service in Munich.

So what's all the hype? Why do gentlemen insist on ordering women over the phone (or on the web) rather than finding themselves long-term girlfriends who might actually be worth the investment? Well, there are many reasons and all of them are not terrible reasons either.

Who loves an expensive prostate?

You won't have a hard time making dates with any woman you want.

But many guys who date escorts do so because they simply don't have the time to do the required flirting when trying to find a date (or even maintain a relationship for that matter). For example, business travelers usually do not have time to find an appointment and so choose a companion.

Why don't you get an escort? After all, he can custom-make it to his preference and there is no embarrassment about sex and the like because hey, if the price is right, then this night is his night.

Most of these well-paid women make beautiful acting and look good on the arm of a rich man. And the result (literally) is known in advance rather than discussing whether or not he's going to kiss and risk being rejected. It is clear and understandable from the start.

Besides business people, men whose career is the only life they really choose, also choose pasta-loving ladies. Doctors, lawyers, scientists, and what you can't usually set aside time to go on a kids cruise that comes in at midnight, so they simply call their local Madame and get to work.

Beauty and the Beast

Sometimes, there are men who simply cannot finish a dating deal because they lack a wealthy personality. They look good and have everything most men want - but unfortunately, their personality is so undeveloped and revealing that they repel most women - women deeply anyway.

Then there are those guys who have great depth, but don't have physical features because these guys have a hard time starting conversations with beautiful women, choosing to pay for beauty instead.

Is the result always sexual?

Realistically, however, how many men would pay a certain amount to a beautiful woman and not want to get her naked in a horizontal position at the end of the night? Which brings me to the next reason why some gentlemen have decided to make their dating group consist of 800 numbers found in the appearance of gentlemen's magazines.

I will never do that

I get tons of emails from men who are upset because their women are refusing to provide them with certain sexual services (you all know who you are), and these are the guys who have women by their side. Now considering some guys don't like dealing with girls who find tongue awful, or think anal sex is only for homosexuals, they choose escorts who will come again and do just as they say.

What man does not want to tell his woman to take off all her clothes, sit on the bed four times, and ask him to come and penetrate her? Being able to direct these women and have them perform weird sexual services at times is also part of the beauty of it all.

It is difficult for men to make an appointment nowadays, let alone guarantee a night of satisfying sex, so they choose to delve into the "dating system". Now clearly, if the guy is in a hitch, what he needs is to go back to his lady's house and try to communicate what he wants from the relationship instead of unbuttoning his pants for a lovely stranger to greet his penis. But if he has no family obligations and no woman waiting in the house, this probably isn't a bad choice for lonely or busy men.

Obviously my point is that guys who choose to set themselves up with escorts are not terrible people, they are just guys who need to be with someone at a certain time without the hassles of having to deal with the dating game, 'I'll call you, the lonely nights you spend with Pornography and a jar of Vaseline.

Then again, some men like to make sure that if they pay for dinner, their woman for the evening will serve up dessert. What these gentlemen don't realize is that by not spending time finding a woman who will love them for more than 200 euros an hour, they will end up in a secluded place with no one to take care of them.

Remember you guys, some things might be satisfying for a moment, but in the end, you only get what you pay for.

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